Change log ========== 1.x --- 1.2 ~~~ * Added support for ``Django 4.x`` and ``Python 3.10`` * Dropped support for ``Python 3.5`` and older * Get rid of Travis CI in favor of GitHub Actions * Updated test dependencies 1.0.1 ~~~~~ * Added form errors handling * Fixed a bug when trying to switch a disabled user * Updated ``RU`` locales 1.0.0 ~~~~~ * Using ``poetry`` to build the package; * Support for ``Python 2.7`` and ``Python 3.4+``; * Support for ``Django 1.11``, ``Django 2.x`` and ``Django 3.x``; * Use ``pytest`` for tests; * Added a project configuration self checking mechanism using the ``Django``'s ``check`` framework; * Make the app configurable (able to customize a widget form and ``can_disguise`` behavior); * Changed signal names and signatures to more suitable; * Does not send ``user_logged_in`` signal when swapping a user; * Changed the license from ``BSD`` to ``MIT``. 0.x --- 0.2.3 ~~~~~ * Use ``tox`` for testing * Drop support for ``Django==1.4`` 0.2.2 ~~~~~ * Update head django==1.8 version 0.2.1 ~~~~~ * Update head django versions 0.2 ~~~ * Add django 1.8 support 0.1 ~~~ * Permissions for disguise now linked with User model; * Using django system check framework in newest versions; * Disguise widget become a template tag; earlier it added into page with middleware; * Migrated to CBV views; * Code imporvements (pep8); * Added coverage support; * Added signals; * Removed the ``update_user_login`` feature prior to custom signal handling; 0.0.3 ~~~~~ * Travis CI integration