Configuration ============= Modifying the settings module ----------------------------- .. code:: python # INSTALLED_APPS = [ # ...apps 'disguise', # ...another apps ] Add the ``disguise.middleware.DisguiseMiddleware`` to the ``MIDDLEWARE`` list in your ``settings`` module. Make sure ``django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware`` in there and follow before the disguise middleware. .. code:: python # MIDDLEWARE = [ 'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware', 'disguise.middleware.DisguiseMiddleware' ] Here you can see an example of overriding of the default behavior .. code:: python # DISGUISE = { 'can_disguise': 'my_project.utils.my_own_can_disguise', 'widget_form': 'my_project.utils.MyOwnDisguiseWidgetForm', } Modifying urlpatterns --------------------- .. code:: python # from django.urls import include, path urlpatterns = [ #... path('disguise/', include('disguise.urls')), Adding widgets to templates --------------------------- If you plan to use the widget, you should add these lines into templates of pages where you want to: .. code:: django {% load disguise_tags %} {% disguise_widget %} A good idea to add this code into your base template (generally, it called ``base.html``) to make the ability to use the application on any√ page. migration --------- .. code:: bash $ migrate